What's In a Name?

Literature. At least, that's the angle I'm going for in picking out a name for my potential-graduation-might-just-be-hopeful-wishing-puppy.

Yeah, I'm going to aim high for a house dog, specifically a toy or miniature poodle (intelligent, hypoallergenic, doesn't shed--perfect!). I'm hoping for a little boy (the only time this will happen in my life) because they are apparently more affectionate than the bitches. Pun intended.

Just for fun--aka before I drop the bomb on my dad--I'm coming up with some French inspired names, mostly from literature, a bit from my political theory background.

Coco Chanel


1. Jean-Jacques Rousseau. One of my favorite political theorists. He's the one who said something to the effect of, "man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains"--commentary on the social restrictions imposed on man when leaving a state of nature. Both a burden and a good. It's especially fitting for poodles since they're descended from wolves to become little lap dogs with non-shedding coats. lolz.
2. Dantes. This would be for Edmond Dantes since The Count of Monte Cristo is one of my fav. novels.
3. Don Juan. Do I really need to elaborate? Also, a play created by Moliere.
4. Tartuffe. See above.
5. Cyrano. For Cyrano de Bergerac. Seriously, one of my favorite plays of all time.
6. Tristan. From Tristan and Iseult. Just think it's a cute name, really. Not so much a fan of the @sshole in the story. That might not be setting a puppy up for a good start...

It's still up in the air. This is just for inspiration when I face the scariness that is my father.

Wish me luck!


Anonymous said...

You and your stupid ass tear-jerker comments. lol. Thanks hun, I need a booster every now and again. I never quit, but sometimes I really want to.

I DO NOT blame you for not being able to be at my bday night. I understand, yeah I was a bit upset, but only because my bff couldn't be there.

You said "Let me voice a fear: I worry that I'm a horrible person--that I'm too bitchy or self-absorbed for people to care about me, for me to really care about other people."

AMEN!!! Sometimes I wonder, get so sick of hearing guys I work with say "there's no way no one's snatched you up yet." I'm thinking "Right. If you only knew. Not sure I know how to get close to someone like that..." you know the feeling.

Girl, you are my heterosexual life partner. LMAO!! Sometimes I get aggravated with you only child syndrome (though you are getting much better about it) but I am 110% sure I have things that you get fed up with.

And I hope that blog didn't come off as a rant against you, it wasn't. Seriously. I'm proud of you too, I had a glimmer of pride because my bff is graduating. You've gotten this far. WOOOOO!
I know you're stuff isn't bs, never thought it was. Sometimes I feel bad because I think you tell me I'm doing good more than I do you. It almost seems understood to me that you know you're top of the game. How could you not? I forget that everyone has doubts. EVERYONE.

Holy Shit! 10 years. That's crazy isn't it.

You don't have to apologize for missing my bday. You know how crazy I get when my plans start falling apart. They so often do when I involve too many people. Actually I think it was better with fewer people. I'd would have loved to have you there. Any more than that may have been awkward anyways. And trying to please too many people always gets hairy.

I know you didn't forget it either and that's just as important or even more so than being physically present. It's inside that things really count.
As bad as it sounds, knowing that me and you are going to get out of this place and no one else will makes me somewhat superior to those people.

I reread my post. GOD ALMIGHTY!! I sound like a psychopathic bitch! lol. Ouch. It's confusing. Wanting to be normal, yet not wanting to be normal all at once. Heh, let me know if you make any headway figuring that out.

I just want you to know that I am SO NOT mad at you. For anything. I love my homegirl. Platonically of course. lol.

(Hey I like my little analogy about the pieces of the heart.)

You'll be happy to know that having an english major as a bff, I cringed everytime I started a sentence with and or for. lol.

I've prob told you but I do pretty good for a long time then there's a day, sometimes maybe two, that I let things get to me and crash. At least I don't let it keep in bed for 2 days anymore.

You're my adopted sister. Hugs! I hope we can get together soon, though with my money sitch and your busy last days as an undergrad, I doubt that will be until the grad and party.

TOTALLY gonna be there to see you grad, and let your mom know if she needs any help setting up for the party after to let me know.

Don't tell me how many typos this sucker has, I really don't want to know. ;)

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