Just a Few Fun Obama Related Observations

1. In reference to the Neighborhood Ball broadcast on ABC. Please tell me I'm not the only one who hates Shakira's singing voice. What the crap is that? I'm not going to act like I'm a Whitney Houston or Aretha, but damn that woman sucks. When her hips aren't moving her voice is annoying.

2. Speaking of Aretha, I was watching C-SPAN (I know! For once!) and an idiot caller stated that Aretha had "desecrated" a national ballad--she later cheered the justice who swore in Obama for tripping him up. I had to change the channel. It was just too ridiculous. Everyone has to find something to criticize. I'm not saying that all Americans should come in worship to the throne of Obama--debate is what fuels progress; thank goodness for our differences--I'm just saying that today is an important moment in the history of the United States. One that should be filled with hope for the future. There will be many pitfalls ahead, yes. Obama will undoubtedly fail to live up to his hype. But we are certainly not helping him to advance our nation by only examining the insignificant faults he might have.

Even my aunt--who is a staunch Republican of the worst sort (one that does not know the information behind the platforms, but simply follows the words of her undereducated, semi-racist husband--I can respect the views of Republicans who know what they're talking about) had to call my mother and boast about the swearing-in. I missed that portion, so I expected it to be horrific when I watched C-SPAN replay tonight...it REALLY was not that serious. Jeez. She didn't even make it out to be a question of stupidity or nervousness--she suggested that he intentionally wanted to avoid swearing to uphold the duties of office. OH. MY. GOODNESS. People can be bizarre creatures. If I had to stand before millions of Americans who already view me as a God-sent-history-making-icon-leader-of-the-free-world who is really only a man, then I would probably be nervous too. Did you see the video of him before he stepped on the platform? The man looked like he was going to puke a little. It's forgivable. His speech more than made up for any minor flub...oh, and the historians on C-SPAN? They placed the blame more with the young justice than with President Obama.

3. It was humbling to watch the Inauguration at Mercer with all my friends gathered in the lobby of Willingham. It's something I will never forget--much like how I will never forget my initial reaction to the events of 9/11; where I was and how I felt. Obviously today was much more joyful than that event--I'm so glad to have been born in a time where such dreams can become realities.

4. Joe Biden is hilarious. I didn't know that. He's also not Jewish! OY VAY. The man is Roman Catholic.

5. Michelle Obama looks like she will whip your ass. Seriously. I think I'm going to like her. Mwahahahaha.

6. President Obama has no rhythm.

7. I'm so glad the Azalea Trail Maids are from Alabama--NOT Georgia.

Enjoy the night--Obama will be out til 3. In the words of Will.I.Am. "It's a New Day!"


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